I'm having some trouble understanding aggregate pipelines when doing a seemingly complex match up with another collection. The goal is to get a list of videos that a specific user has no video_impression
entry in the analytics collection for.
My data looks something like this:
"videos": [
"_id": "1",
"name": "1's Video",
"status": "complete",
"privacy": "public"
"_id": "2",
"name": "2's Video",
"status": "complete",
"privacy": "public"
"_id": "3",
"name": "3's Video",
"status": "complete",
"privacy": "public"
"_id": "4",
"name": "4's Video",
"status": "complete",
"privacy": "private"
"_id": "5",
"name": "5's Video",
"status": "flagged",
"privacy": "public"
"analytics": [
"_id": "1",
"user": "1",
"event": "video_impression",
"data": {
"video": "1"
"_id": "2",
"user": "2",
"event": "video_impression",
"data": {
"video": "2"
I have managed to get a matcher working but it works "globally" ie. it does not take in to consideration the user id so it's giving back documents that don't match anyone.
$match: {
"status": "complete",
"privacy": "public"
$lookup: {
from: "analytics",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "data.video",
as: "matched_docs"
$match: {
"matched_docs": {
$eq: []
I tried adding another $lookup
stage to the pipeline to look up the user
field but that didn't seem to work either as the data was always empty. Here's a Mongo Playground of the issue I'm having that may help explain it further.
1. Firstly, this aggregation would be better to run from the analytics
collection than the videos
collection. Or even better, using the users
collection if you have it.
2. As per jQueeny's comment, the 'analytics' collection example is a bit incomplete. I'll assume each event only exists once so if a user watches two videos, there would be two entries in analytics
rather than just one with an array of the videos. PS. I recommend that you change this so that it's an array of object id's in data
per event-type, with separate records per user or even combining them all into one, depending on how you plan to use it later.
{ "_id": "1", "user": "1", "event": "video_impression", "data": { "video": "1" } },
{ "_id": "2", "user": "2", "event": "video_impression", "data": { "video": "2" } },
{ "_id": "3", "user": "2", "event": "video_impression", "data": { "video": "3" } },
{ "_id": "4", "user": "2", "event": "liked_video", "data": { "video": "2" } }
3. Strategy here is to use the pipeline syntax of $lookup
to get all the video ids using an Uncorrelated subquery. It has the advantage of only being run once and then using the cache:
MongoDB only needs to run the
subquery once before caching the query because there is no relationship between the source and foreign collections. The$lookup
subquery is not based on any value in the source collection. This behavior improves performance for subsequent executions of this query.
However, if the collection of videos is too big and the per-stage document becomes >100 MB, this pipeline will fail and you'll need to use a correlated subquery.
4. The method used here is:
a) Using the analytics
collection, filter to only video_impressions
events, group by user_id
and then create a set
(unique array) of the videos they've watched/have an impression.
b) Use a lookup to get all the video ids for "public+complete" vids into one array
c) do a difference between the all videos and videos with impressions.
5. Btw, if you want to do this for only one user at a time, like for a web page/FE, then add user: <user_id>
in the first match stage with event
// select only the video_impression events
$match: { event: "video_impression" }
// first uniquify your users but you should
// probably run this from the users collection
$group: {
_id: "$user",
impressioned_vids: { "$addToSet": "$data.video" },
// remove this if you want the user as _id
user: { "$first": "$user" }
{ $project: { _id: 0 } },
// uncorrelated subquery which should only run once
// and then is cached
$lookup: {
from: "videos",
pipeline: [
$match: {
status: "complete",
privacy: "public"
$group: {
_id: null,
video_ids: { $push: "$_id" }
as: "all_vids"
// put it conveniently into a single list
$set: { all_vids: { $first: "$all_vids.video_ids" } }
// these are the public-complete videos which that user has not seen
$set: {
unimpressed: {
$setDifference: [ "$all_vids", "$impressioned_vids" ]
// get rid of the other fields, uncomment to debug
$project: {
user: 1,
unimpressed: 1
With my modified analytics
collection and your original videos
collection, this is the result:
"unimpressed": ["1"],
"user": "2"
"unimpressed": ["2", "3"],
"user": "1"
Option 2
If the list of all_vids
is too big for the uncorrelated $lookup
, then it will need to be a correlated $lookup, which executes once per document. The main change is in the $lookup
stage, where I check that the video is not in the list of impression/watched videos (or in this case, intersection is empty). This requires assigning the "seen videos" array to a variable in let
and then using that in the lookup-pipeline.
// correlated subquery which executes per record
$lookup: {
from: "videos",
let: { seen_vid_ids: "$impressioned_vids" },
pipeline: [
$match: {
status: "complete",
privacy: "public",
$expr: {
$not: {
$in: ["$_id", "$$seen_vid_ids"],
as: "unseen_vids"
// these are the public-complete videos which that user has not seen
$set: {
unimpressed: "$unseen_vids._id"