I know, how to build a ResteasyClient with own SSL context.
It works fine, e.g from standalone client and/or arquillain tests. I build the SSL context programmatically, loading truststore etc.
I have a EAR+War (ProjekctA) offering a Rest Service using web.xml:
and jboss-web.xml
The EAP (7.4.7) is configured with Elytron, offering the security domain (ICSDRest). Works fine. Access to the Rest service is now secured by the SSL layer. I also have configured EAP to have a client-ssl-context (see below LDAP).
<client-ssl-context name="ICLdapSslContext" trust-manager="ICTrustManager"/>
A second EAR+War (ProjectB) should use the Rest service from ProjectA. So ProjectB is a Rest client.
To instanciate the ResteasyClient in ProjectB, I must set the sslContext too (I guess). I want pick a client-ssl-context from Elytron, if possible. Is there a way?
Why I want to pick from Elytron?
ProjectA is also dealing with LDAP via ldaps. So ProjectA is a client for LDAP server. I have configured EAP as a LDAP client like
<dir-context name="ICLdap" url="<some url>" principal="<query>" ssl-context="ICLdapSslContext">
<credential-reference clear-text="<some password>"/>
So I hope, I can get is a similar way the sslContext from EAP/Elytron. The idea is to get from Elytron the SSL context and set like
or create the ReasteasyClient within the context.
Any hints for a EAP beginner. Thanks in advance.
I found another solution:
I created a new key for my REST client in ProjectB.
keytool -genkey -keystore projectB-client.p12 ...
keytool -exportcert -keystore projectB-client.p12 ...
Added public key from JBoss/EAP of projectA to projectB-client.p12
keytool -keystore projectB-client.p12 -importcert -trustcacerts ...
The keystore projectB-client.p12 is placed in EAP standalone/configuration directory.
Added public key from projectB-client.p12 to truststore of JBoss/EAP
keytool -keystore app.truststore -importcert -trustcacerts ....
With Jboss CLI, I added a new security domain.
/subsystem=security/security-domain=projectB-client/jsse=classic:add(truststore={password=<...>,url="file:${jboss.server.config.dir}/app.truststore"}, \
keystore={password=<...>, url="file:${jboss.server.config.dir}/projectB-client.p12"}, client-auth=true)
This is creating a entry like:
<security-domain name="projectB-client">
<jsse keystore-password="password here" keystore-url="file:${jboss.server.config.dir}/projectB-client.p12" truststore-password="password here" truststore-url="file:${jboss.server.config.dir}/app.truststore" client-auth="true"/>
In ProjectB, the following code will request the security domain from EAP and getting access to key- and trusmanager without having any password for both.
public class InitalizerOnStartup {
private MyService myService;
// getter
public void onStart(@Observes @Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) Object pointless) throws Exception {
private void buildRestClient () throws Exception {
final String sdName = "java:jboss/jaas/projectB-client/jsse";
final URL endPoint = new URL("https://localhost:8443/myUrl");
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
JBossJSSESecurityDomain sd = (JBossJSSESecurityDomain) ctx.lookup(sdName);
if ( sd == null )
throw new Exception("Can't get EAP security domain - name=" + sdName);
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
sslContext.init(sd.getKeyManagers(), sd.getTrustManagers(), null);
ResteasyClientBuilder builder = new ResteasyClientBuilder();
ResteasyClient client = builder.build();
ResteasyWebTarget target = client.target(endPoint.toURI());
myService = target.proxy(MyService.class);
Or use EBJ technique @Startup
I guess, this logic will also work, when having ProjectA + B on different servers (use localhost -> fqdn)
To use JBossJSSESecurityDomain ->
dependencies {
providedCompile 'org.picketbox:picketbox:5.0.3.Final' // I use the exact same version from my EAP release, here 7.4.7