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Knex transactions having queries on multiple table?

I have two tables and I want to write a query that does the following.

Get some data from table1. based on the value received in the above query, insert in table2. I have written the query as following:

await Table1Model.transaction(async trx => {
                // First check if the meeting exists?
                const room = await this.**table1**.query()
                    .where({ id: this.m_id, is_deleted: false });

                if (typeof room !== "undefined") {
                    await this.**table2**.query().insert(newUser);
                else {
                    // do something else

Please suggest any better way to do something like this.

I want to know the correct way of writing this kind of transactions using knex or objection js.


  • You could probably do it like this (untyped example):

    async yourFunction(id, newUser) {
      let trx;
      try {
        const room = await this.knex('table1')
                             .select() // no need for '*'
                             .where({ id, is_deleted: false })
                             .transacting(trx); // here is how you bind the transaction
        if (!room?.length) {
          await this.knex('table2').insert(newUser).transacting(trx); // trx again :)
        await trx.commit(); // don't forget to commit!
      catch (error) {
        if (trx) {
          await trx.rollback(); // rollback in case something went wrong
        // handle your error here
    await yourFunction(1, { name: 'Kumar', col1: 'val1' });