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React router dom navigating to wrong path

We are using React-Router-DOM v6.19.0 and there are two you can find below.

<Route path="/route1/*" element={<RouteOneList />} />
<Route path="/route1/:one/:two/:three" element={<RouteAnother />} />

and in RouteOneList it has sub routes

<Route path="/add/:type/:id" element={<AddComponent />} />

Here I am trying to access

"/route1/add/test/1" - It is supposed to load AddComponent but it's falling into <RouteAnother /> component.

Is there any way tackle this problem? I have tried changing the order but that also not helped me.


  • Issue

    The issue here is that the Routes component only handles matching the routes it renders directly. The "/route1/add/test/1" path can be matched by the "/route1/:one/:two/:three" path and so that is what is matched and rendered.


    Based on your comment in another answer that RouteOneList is a layout with a button I suggest actually using it as a layout route. Instead of RouteOneList rendering descendent routes it should instead render an Outlet component for nested routes. This is so the main Routes component can know of and match "/route1/:one/:two/:three" and "/route1/add/:type/:id".

    import { Outlet } from 'react-router-dom';
    const RouteOneList = () => (
        <Outlet />
    <Routes> // <-- knows of all routes for matching/rendering
      <Route path="/route1">
        <Route element={<RouteOneList />}> // <-- layout route
          <Route path="add/:type/:id" element={<AddComponent />} />
        <Route path=":one/:two/:three" element={<RouteAnother />} />


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