I'm using this code but eclipse shows an error saying stream() is undefined for the type OptionalDouble The error shown by eclipse is
My code is something like this
return IntStream.of(1,2,3,4,5,6)
.flatMap(a -> a)
.mapToInt(i -> (int) i)
I tried average().getasDouble() but that also didn't work. How do i fix the code ? I can do one thing Double d=average().getasDouble() then apply Math.round(d) seperately.
Is it possible to fix the code after average().stream() in functional way without error ? When average() return OptionalDouble and that can't be streamed by stream() , how do you go about it ?
has existed ever since Java 9. You should check your Java version.
If you are unable to use a newer version of Java for some reason, you can implement stream
yourself as a static helper method. What it does is very simple.
public static DoubleStream streamOfOptional(OptionalDouble d) {
return d.isEmpty() ? DoubleStream.empty() : DoubleStream.of(d.getAsDouble());
return streamOfOptional(
.mapToInt(i -> (int) i)