I'm working on an Audio Book app that need to be controlled from Android Auto and CarPlay. My app successfully worked with CarPlay. But I can't get it to work with android auto. I'm using just_audio
with just_audio_background
and Also using audio_service
I saw some guy acctualy made it work with Android auto, but for some reason I can't. Here's my approch for playing the audio.
AudioSource audioSource = AudioSource.uri(Uri.file(tmpFile),
tag: MediaItem(
id: state.audioBookModel?.partitionKey ?? '12',
title: state.audioBookModel?.mainTitle ?? 'Audio Book',
artist: state.audioBookModel?.author ?? 'writer',
artUri: Uri.parse(
playable: true,
duration: Duration(seconds: state.audioBookModel?.totalDurationInSeconds ?? 0)
await audioPlayer?.setAudioSource(
await audioPlayer?.play();
I also tested my app by uploading it to Internal Testing, and it gives me same result. It play the audio from the app but I can't controll it.
I actually was able to solve it by using audio_session
In my main.dart I initialized the AudioSession
like this.
final session = await AudioSession.instance;
await session.configure(AudioSessionConfiguration.music());
Also I added this meta-data Into my Android Manifest
automotive_app_desc.xml is located in res/xml folder
<uses name="media"/>