val inputUnderLineColor = MutableLiveData(R.color.red2)
I want to set the EditText UnderLine color value depending on the state, but I get the following error
Cannot find a setter for <android.widget.EditText app:backgroundTint> that accepts parameter type 'androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData<java.lang.Integer>'
How do you solve this ??
You can use it like below ContextCompat.getColor()
<import type=""/>
<variable name="viewModel" type="com.example.myapp.yourObject" />
android:textColor="@{ContextCompat.getColor(context, viewModel.inputUnderLineColor)}" />
1. Make sure to import ContextCompat as shown above.
2. You can automagically 'context' as a method parameter for ContextCompat.getColor() because it will be automatically resolved to the view's context.