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Blazor navigation with string parameters issue

Im using .net 8 Blazor application with navigation using NavigationManager

var instanceIdForNavigation = Uri.UnescapeDataString(MyStringValue);

This navigation results in url such as https://localhost:5103/recipeInstanceDetail/M-XXX.3_520kg_20231122125053_2

Everything works fine. However when i press F5 or just paste the URL i get 404.

My page have this as a first line

@page "/recipeInstanceDetail/{InstaceId}"

And in razor.cs file i do have property

 public string InstaceId { get; set; }.

What am i doing wrong ? I have the same setup on other pages where everything works, so my guess would be some special characters or the content of the string. Thanx for any suggestions.

I did try to url encode and decode the string but never got anything out of it.


  • The problem is the dot in the "InstaceId" string. This caused url to be recognized as a file "". So it returned not found static file 404.
    You could change the "_Host.cshtml" route template @page "/" to @page "/{**path}" to make the dot path work. "**" means get all parameter.