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How to sort a dataframe based on multi-column and drop rows that do not sort

For example, if I had a dataframe that looks like

1 8
4 9
2 5
6 2

Is there a easier way to sort the two rows where Col-A is in ascending order and B in descending order and any row that B cannot be ordered in descending be dropped? The second row should be dropped because 9 is greater than 5.

I am expecting a table that looks like

1 8
2 5
6 2


  • You can sort_values, then compute a cummin, drop the rows that violate the cummin:

    tmp = df.sort_values(['A','B'], ascending=[True, False])
    m = tmp['B'].le(tmp['B'].cummin())
    out = tmp[m]
    # or to keep the original DataFrame
    out = df.loc[m[m].index]


       A  B
    0  1  8
    2  2  5
    3  6  2