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Can i implement a Pause and Resume function to my Slideshow Javascript?

I am having a Javascript Slideshow. I need to implement a Pause and Resume button on my slideshow where in the slideshow is Paused when i click the Pause Button and when i click Resume Button, the slideshow should resume from where it stopped. This is the script below:

var Pic = new Array();
Pic[0] = ''
Pic[1] = ''
Pic[2] = ''
Pic[3] = ''
Pic[4] = ''
Pic[5] = ''
Pic[6] = ''
Pic[7] = ''
Pic[8] = ''
Pic[9] = ''
Pic[10] = ''

//this part in real code is replaced with a PHP script that print image location dynamically
var t;
var j = 0;
var p = Pic.length;
var preLoad = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
  preLoad[i] = new Image();
  preLoad[i].src = Pic[i];
//all images are loaded on client
index = 0;

function update() {
  if (preLoad[index] != null) {
    document.images['foto'].src = preLoad[index].src;
    setTimeout(update, 1000);
<div ALIGN="center">
  <img name="foto">
<button id="pause">Pause</button>
<button id="resume">Resume</button>


    1. remove the timeout and use setInterval instead
    2. clearInterval to stop/pause
    3. toggle to pause/resume

    var Pic = new Array();
    Pic[0] = '../uploads/callmesid/Cam-1/ch01_00000000003002200.jpg'
    Pic[1] = '../uploads/callmesid/Cam-1/ch01_00000000003002300.jpg'
    Pic[2] = '../uploads/callmesid/Cam-1/ch01_00000000003002400.jpg'
    Pic[3] = '../uploads/callmesid/Cam-1/ch01_00000000003002500.jpg'
    Pic[4] = '../uploads/callmesid/Cam-1/ch01_00000000003002600.jpg'
    Pic[5] = '../uploads/callmesid/Cam-1/ch01_00000000003002700.jpg'
    Pic[6] = '../uploads/callmesid/Cam-1/ch01_00000000003002800.jpg'
    Pic[7] = '../uploads/callmesid/Cam-1/ch01_00000000003002900.jpg'
    Pic[8] = '../uploads/callmesid/Cam-1/ch01_00000000003003000.jpg'
    Pic[9] = '../uploads/callmesid/Cam-1/ch01_00000000003003100.jpg'
    Pic[10] = '../uploads/callmesid/Cam-1/ch01_00000000003003200.jpg'
    //this part in real code is replaced with a PHP script that print image location dynamically
    var t;
    var j = 0;
    var p = Pic.length;
    var preLoad = new Array();
    for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
      preLoad[i] = new Image();
      preLoad[i].src = Pic[i];
    //all images are loaded on client
    var index = 0;
    var length = Pic.length;
    function update() {
      if (preLoad[index]) {
        document.images['foto'].src = preLoad[index].src;
    function init() {
      // this resumes from where the index is. If you want to reset, we need more code
      t = setInterval(update,1000); 
    function toggle(e) {
      const tgt ="button");
      if (tgt) {
        const pause = tgt.textContent === "Pause";
        if (pause) {
          tgt.textContent = "Resume";
        else {
          tgt.textContent = "Pause";      
    document.getElementById('toggle').addEventListener('click', toggle);
    <div ALIGN="center">
      <img name="foto">
    <button id="toggle">Pause</button>

    To add a wrap to my code change to var length = Pic.length; function update() { var currentIndex = index%length; if (preLoad[currentIndex]) { document.images['foto'].src = preLoad[currentIndex].src; index++; } }