I used ChatGPT to generate a script as I cannot code very well yet it does not know Godot 4 even exists yet so it gives me Godot 3 code, I fixed a lot of things that don't work in Godot 4 and found newer equivalents that will work but this is the one thing I can't figure out at all.
This is the snippet of my script I believe is broken:
extends CharacterBody3D
# Structure to represent an inventory slot
class InventorySlot:
var background: TextureRect
var item_icon: TextureRect
# Constructor for InventorySlot
func _init():
background = TextureRect.new()
item_icon = TextureRect.new()
# Container for inventory slots
class InventorySlotContainer(Node):
var inventory_slots: Array[InventorySlot]
# Constructor for InventorySlotContainer
func _init():
inventory_slots = []
# Function to add an inventory slot
func add_inventory_slot():
var slot = InventorySlot.new()
# Declare the inventory container
var inventory_container: InventorySlotContainer
@onready var inventory_slot_container = InventorySlotContainer.new()
# Declare the inventory slots
var inventory_slots: Array[InventorySlot]
I have tried changing lots of things but to no avail I get these errors:
Line 14:Expected ":" after class declaration.
Line 14:Unexpected "(" in class body.
Line 15:Unexpected "Indent" in class body.
Line 29:Expected end of file.
On line 14 the inner class "inventorySlotContainer" has bad syntax. The error says it was expecting ":" but found "(". There is no syntax for inner-classes to utilize parentheses.
#inner-class declaration
class className:
See Godot's docs on inner-classes https://docs.godotengine.org/en/4.1/tutorials/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_basics.html#inner-classes
Change "class InventorySlotContainer(Node):" To "class InventorySlotContainer:"