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Bitwise operation without using any predefined C functions

I need to write a program in C to solve the following problem but the catch is that i cannot use loops, conditions, or any predefined C functions

You are given three numbers a∣b, a∣c, and b∣c, where ∣ represents the logical operator or. For example, 3∣5=011∣101=111=7. You will be prompted to print the three numbers a, b and c in the output.

Obviously, this issue does not necessarily have a unique answer and you only need to output one of the valid answers.


input: 5 7 7
output: 1 4 7

I tried to turn the decimal input numbers into binary but couldn't do it without using a loop.


  • Look at this problem one bit at a time. Define d = a | b, e = a | c, f = b | c.

    • If all three of {d, e, f} are 0, then we know {a, b, c} are all 0 too.

    • If exactly two of {d, e, f} are 0, that is impossible because each variable {a, b, c} will force two of {d, e, f} to be 1.

    • If exactly one of {d, e, f} is 0, then exactly one of {a, b, c} is 1, and the rest are 0.

    • If exactly none of {d, e, f} are 0, then it's ambiguous at any two or three of {a, b, c} can be 1.

    It suffices to solve: a = d & e, b = d & f, c = e & f.