I am new to BPMN and camunda. How to implement this:
I have a user task, I want to set a timeout, let’s say 3 days.
If user don’t complete the task in 3 days, every hour I will send a SMS message to remind the user.
I tried to use boundary timer event to model the timeout, but failed to repeat the SMS notify task by 1 hour, as the intermedia timer catch event can only have duration, not cycle.
please help…
please note, the SMS task need to start after the 3 days timout.
I am using camunda desktop modeler 5.16.0
the boundary timer event's timer expression can be:
"R3/" + substring(string(now() + duration("P3D")),1,19) + "Z/PT1H"
which means: start from 3 days later, repeat every 1 hour, max 3 times.
note: this may be camunda specific, may not apply to other bpmn implementations.