There is command like this on the graph's parameter. I could not figure it out. It prints nothing.In abinitio help page, I could not find what -f means as well, thats why I am here.Could you please help me to understand it
$([ -f $FILE_PATH/$SUBJECT_AREA_X/`echo "$FILE_PATTERN_X" | awk -v RUNDATE=$RUN_DATE -F'_' '{for(i=1; i<=NF-1;i++) { printf "%s%s",$i, FS} { printf "%s%s\n", RUNDATE, substr($NF,length(RUNDATE)+1,length($NF)) }}'` ]
([ -f ... ])
: This is a conditional expression that checks if a file exists. The -f flag is used to test whether the given path corresponds to a regular file.
This part of the command is constructing the path to the file. It seems to involve variables like $FILE_PATH
to define the directory structure.
echo "$FILE_PATTERN_X" | awk -v RUNDATE=$RUN_DATE -F'_' '...awk command...'
: This part uses the awk command to process the contents of $FILE_PATTERN_X. It splits the input on underscores (-F'_'), and then it reconstructs the filename by appending the $RUN_DATE variable to the second-to-last field (excluding the last field, assumed to be a date-related part).
The entire awk command is encapsulated in backticks (``), which means the output of this awk command is substituted into the overall command.
The resulting constructed file path and name are used as an argument to the -f
test in the [ ]
conditional expression.