Say I got
EDX = 0xA28
EAX = 0x0A280105
I run this ASM code
which to my understand only uses EAX.. if one oprand is specified
So in C code it should be like
After looking in debugger.. I found out EDX
got altered too.
0x0A280105 * 0xA28 = 0x67264A5AC8
in debugger
EAX = 264A5AC8
EDX = 00000067
now if you take the answer 0x67264A5AC8
and split off first hex pair, 0x67 264A5AC8
you can clearly see why the EDX
and EAX
are the way they are.
Okay so a overflow happens.. as it cannot store such a huge number into 32 bits. so it starts using extra 8 bits in EDX
But my question is how would I do this in C code now to get same results?
I'm guessing it would be like
EDX = 0xFFFFFFFF - EAX; //blah not good with math manipulation like this.
The IMUL instruction actually produces a result twice the size of the operand (unless you use one of the newer versions that can specify a destination). So:
imul 8bit -> result = ax, 16bits
imul 16bit -> result = dx:ax, 32bits
imul 32bit -> result = edx:eax, 64bits
To do this in C will be dependent on the compiler, but some will work doing this:
long result = (long) eax * (long) edx;
eax = result & 0xffffffff;
edx = result >> 32;
This assumes a long is 64 bits. If the compiler has no 64 bit data type then calculating the result becomes much harder, you need to do long multiplication.
You could always inline the imul instruction.