I am working in the R programming language.
I am trying to make a plot from n=0 to n = 1000 for the following function (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH2kATv49rc&t=7s):
First, I tried to define the P_00(2n) part:
combinatorial_square <- function(n) {
(choose(2*n, n)^2) * ((1/4)^(2*n))
Then, I tried to write another function that performs the cumulative sum of the above function:
cumulative_sum <- function(N) {
s <- 0
for (n in 1:N) {
s <- s + (choose(2*n, n)^2) * ((1/4)^(2*n))
Then, I tried to plot it over a range of N's:
N <- 1:250
y <- sapply(N, cumulative_sum)
plot(N, y, type = "l", main = "Plot of cumulative_sum function", xlab = "N", ylab = "cumulative_sum(N)")
My Problem: I can not seem to plot this function for larger values of N (I think this might be because the computer is not able to calculate large combinatorial terms?):
N <- 1:1000
y <- sapply(N, cumulative_sum)
> tail(y)
[1] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Is there something I can do in R to approximate these larger factorials?
Currently, I was thinking of using some mathematical method to approximate the larger factorial terms involved in combinatorial expressions (e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stirling%27s_approximation) - that is, re-write the cumulative_sum
function so that it uses Stirling Approximation for each factorial term.
But is there an easier way to do this?
You got NAN
since choose(2*n, n)^2
explodes for large n
, but you should have way to circumvent that issue for big numbers.
You can rearrange the terms in the math expression and make sure that each item is less than 1 and decay in the power law (in your case, it is power of 2
), and then you will make it "converge" (not the same concept of "convergence" in series sum of the math domain), for example
f <- Vectorize(function(n) {
v <- seq_len(n)
prod((n + v) / (4 * v))^2
and then run (up to 10000
for exmaple)
N <- 1:10000
P <- cumsum(f(N))
plot(N, P, type = "l", main = "Plot of cumulative_sum function", xlab = "N", ylab = "cumulative_sum(N)")
and you will obtain