Suppose I have this Repository
public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, Integer> {}
and I want to know at runtime that this repository persists Product
s, not Account
s or anything else. So far I only came up with this solution:
Class<?> persistedClass = ((ParameterizedType) repository.getClass() // some Spring proxy
.getInterfaces()[0] // ProductRepository or the like
.getGenericInterfaces()[0]) // JpaRepository
.getActualTypeArguments()[0] // the first type argument
Let's ignore this clumsiness for a moment (isn't it par for the course with Java Reflection API?). What's worse, I had to remove the --release
option which makes the solution a bit less portable (it's enabled by default in IntelliJ). There's something that makes java.base
(it's where ParameterizedType
is) and --release
not compatible which prevents compilation (I don't understand it very well)
Is there a better way to retrieve that information at runtime?
You can simply call AbstractRepositoryMetadata.getMetadata(…)
and call getDomainType()
etc. on the result.
If you're interested in the reverse lookup, i.e. finding a repository for a domain type, you can create a Repositories(…)
instance from a ListableBeanFactory
which would find look up all metadata for repository instances registered in that very BeanFactory