Search code examples

Unable to combine "bool" query with "knn" query - Elastisearch

I am trying to frame an ElasticSearch query to fetch some results from my index for a search engine project. I am using pproximate KNN for the same. Now, I have a couple of conditions that I want to add to my KNN query but it doesn't seem to be working as expected.

Here is a sample of my full query.

    "_source": {
        "includes": [
    "from": 0,
    "size": 60,
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must_not": [
                    "term": {
                        "id": 12345
    "knn": {
        "field": "text_embedding.predicted_value",
        "k": 100,
        "num_candidates": 300,
        "query_vector_builder": {
            "text_embedding": {
                "model_id": "sentence-transformers__all-minilm-l6-v2",
                "model_text": "Loreum Epsom"

...the "id" field is mapped as an 'integer' in my elasticsearch Index. It was expected that the results must not include the _doc with "id" = 12345 but it returns the _doc with that "id". what's wrong?


  • If you want to exclude a specific set of documents, you need to use a filtered knn query (available since ES 8.4):

      "_source": {
        "includes": [
      "from": 0,
      "size": 60,
      "knn": {
        "field": "text_embedding.predicted_value",
        "k": 100,
        "num_candidates": 300,
        "query_vector_builder": {
          "text_embedding": {
            "model_id": "sentence-transformers__all-minilm-l6-v2",
            "model_text": "Loreum Epsom"
        "filter": {                <--- add your filter here
          "bool": {
            "must_not": [
                "term": {
                  "id": 12345