Search code examples

React Native Component moves up with keyboard

I create a custom bottom tab bar and fix it at end of screen using position: 'absolute', and bottom: 0,.

I also have a textinput for search. When I try to type something in search, keyboard appears and with keyboard my bottom tab bar moves up.

Now, I want that the bottom tab bar not move with keyboard, it will stay on its place at bottom of screen.


  • Basically, There are two ways to handle this kind of situation.

    1. hide the bottom TabBar when keyboard is opening
    • To hide TabBar when keyboard apprears there is one property that is provided by the react navigation itself is tabBarHideOnKeyboard.
    • With this you can manage the visibility of TabBar when keyboard state changes.


        tabBarHideOnKeyboard: true,
      {/** TabBar screens here */}
    1. manage the windowSoftInputMode in your AndroidManifest file.
    • This will be the change in Native Code in the AndroidManifest.xml file
    • This will require to reinstall the android app


        android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" // make changes accordingly