I'm looking for a formula to populate a table based on data obtained from another table that has multiple drop-down lists.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Try something along the lines of using without any recursive LAMBDA() with more efficiency.
• Formula used in cell A8
=TRIM(TEXTSPLIT(TEXTAFTER(" "&TOCOL(TOROW(B2:C2&" "&TOCOL(B3:C3))&" "&TOCOL(B4:D4))," ",{1,2,3})," "))
Or, bit more dynamic
TOCOL(IFS(B3:E3<>"",B3:E3),3)),3)&" "&IFS(B4:E4<>"",B4:E4),3)," ",
SEQUENCE(,MAX(TOCOL(IFS(B2:E4<>"",COLUMN(B2:E4)-1),3))))," "),3)