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Get a guest user by userPrincipalName with Microsoft Graph SDK with Kotlin

I have the same problem described here: Get a guest user by userPrincipalName with Microsoft Graph. I want to get a guest user from Graph but I do it with SDK, i.e. a Graph Client, and I use Kotlin. The solution provided in the above mentioned thread does not help me. I still get a 404 Not Found Response even though I am replacing # with %23.

My code looks like this:

val upn = ""

I've also tried val upn = "". Same result.

I am sure that the account exists. When I use the same query in Graph Explorer the user can be found.


  • When encoding the UPN first it works.

    val upn = ""
    val upnEncoded = UriUtils.encodePathSegment(
    // upnEncoded is now ""

    The confusing piece for me was that the controller removes # and everything that comes afterwards. This resulted in "". When encoding the # "manually" and handing that over to the client, the result was "" which didn't work either. So, finally, the problem wasn't really Graph but how the client/controller handle the request parameter.