In Spring project, I used Sinks
to emit events into a SSE endpoint, it worked well, check:
But when I tried to Smallrye Mutiny MultiEmitterProcessor
to archive the same purpose, it failed.
The example project is
MultiEmitterProcessor<Message> emitterProcessor = MultiEmitterProcessor.create();
void receive() {
var consumer = jmsContext.createConsumer(helloQueue);
msg -> {
try {
var received = jsonb.fromJson(msg.getBody(String.class), Message.class);
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "consuming message: {0}", received);
} catch (JMSException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
And in the Resource class,
public Multi<Message> stream() {
// see:
return handler.emitterProcessor.toMulti().toHotStream();
I am not sure MultiEmitterProcessor
is good to work as a hot stream?
or there are something like Reactor ConnectableFlux
to connect to a hot stream manually?
Finally, I move the following codes from Resource class
into a method in the handler class, then it works.
public Multi<Message> stream() {
return processor.toMulti().broadcast().toAllSubscribers();
Check the final working example: