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In PySide6, show() method for QSystemIconTrayIcon() not working after calling hide() function

My app needs to dynamically show or hide system tray. But once I call .hide() function on it, and then call .show() on it, It does not show up. Same behavior with .setVisible(...).

Minimal Reproducible Code

I've created a minimal reproducible code to show what issue is happening with QSystemTrayIcon class of PySide6.

import os
import sys
from PySide6.QtWidgets import *
from PySide6.QtCore import *
from PySide6.QtGui import *
import resources_rc

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

# Image
def _image(name: str):
    return os.path.join(':', 'saved_files', 'images', f'{name}.png')

# Setup system tray
tray = QSystemTrayIcon(QIcon(_image('folder')))
print('> Running\n')

def toggle_tray():
    tray.setVisible(not tray.isVisible())
    # tray.setIcon(QIcon(_image('folder')))                             # WORKAROUND (read below)
    print(f'[State Toggled] Tray Visible = {tray.isVisible()}')

# Timer to show/hide the tray icon
timer = QTimer()

How it should work:

It should show system tray icon and then after 3 seconds, hide. Then after 3 seconds, show. Then after 3 seconds, hide. And cycle continues.

How it's behaving:

It shows up perfectly on start (as it should), and then after 3 seconds it hides (as it should), but after next 3 seconds, IT DOESN'T SHOW UP (as it should have).

Workaround I found (after many trials and errors):

  • Workaround: Set the icon for system tray again using tray.setIcon(QIcon(_image('folder'))) after hiding the tray icon using .hide() or .setVisible(False).
  • Result: Everything works as intended, but that's just a workaround.
  • Question: I don't understand why the original code is not working? Is it because .hide() or .setVisible(False) is removing the icon from QSystemTrayIcon() or is it something else? Maybe It's a Bug? I really need your help regarding this.


  • Platform: Windows 11 Pro v22621.2361 (stable build)
  • Python version: Python 3.11.4
  • PySide version: PySide6==6.5.3 | PySide6-Addons==6.5.3 | PySide6-Essentials==6.5.3


  • It seems it was a bug in Qt. I reported and they fixed it in v6.5.4, v6.6.1, v6.7.0.