How can I create a "drop down button" in Qt?
For a non-Qt example, see: Combination button/dropdown in office
The key point is that the widget needs an icon for the primary action, and a visually separate "pulldown arrow" to show secondary icons / actions.
Upon clicking the "pulldown arrow" for secondary options, the user should be presented with a grid of other icons to choose from. (All icons, no text.)
Does Qt have a widget that can do this?
If not, how can this be created in Qt? (I'm a new Qt user, so a Qt Designer based solution would be ideal.)
Thank you
Your best bet will be to make your own subclass of QAbstractButton to use. You would want to draw the regular icon in the designated portion, and your own icon in the other area. You would also need to grab the mouse press event to show the popup-menu if it is in the designated area (instead of letting the regular button-handling code take it, which would lead to a button clicked signal when the mouse was released).