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How to delete rows using Office Scripts based on dynamic column range in Excel?

I am working on a task in Excel using Office Scripts and I'm facing an issue with deleting rows based on a dynamic column range. Here's what I'm trying to achieve:

I want to delete entire rows below the used range in column A. The column range is dynamic and is determined by the data in column A.

Ex: Below excel after row no 10 there is no data in A column so what I want is to delete rows after 10th row. Column range is dynamic.

enter image description here

Output I'm expecting; enter image description here


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    function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
        let selectedSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
        let table = selectedSheet.getTables()[0];
        if (table) {
            let lastCell: ExcelScript.Range = table.getRange().getColumn(0).getLastCell();
            if(! lastCell.getText()){
                let lastRow = lastCell.getRangeEdge(ExcelScript.KeyboardDirection.up);
                selectedSheet.getRange(`${lastRow.getRowIndex() + 2}:${lastCell.getRowIndex() + 1}`)

    Microsoft documentation:

    ExcelScript.Range interface