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How to handle http params in jetty?

I'm trying to handle requests like this ...

"http://someINSANEdomainFORsite.coolsuffix/" + Some text

For example:

  • http://someINSANEdomainFORsite.coolsuffix/stackoverflowIsBest
  • http://someINSANEdomainFORsite.coolsuffix/JettyCool

I don't know how to do this I think there is some way to handle this, becouse its extremely common situation. Maybe there is some ContextHandler to do this or there isnt.

I tried to search some examples


  • Those examples are just paths in a request, not http params, nor http parameters, nor query strings, nor form details.

    If using Jetty 12, and a Jetty Handler, it would look like this ...

    public class GetPathHandler extends Handler.Abstract
        public boolean handle(Request request, Response response, Callback callback) throws Exception
            String path = request.getHttpURI().getPath();
            String canonicalPath = request.getHttpURI().getCanonicalPath();
            String decodedPath = request.getHttpURI().getDecodedPath();
            String utf8Text = "path = " + path +
                "\ncanonicalPath = " + canonicalPath +
                "\ndecodedPath = " + decodedPath;
            response.getHeaders().put(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
            Content.Sink.write(response, true, utf8Text, callback);
            return true;

    The differences between those paths are ...

    • .getPath() is the raw path, as-is given to Jetty.
    • .getDecodedPath() is the decoded raw path.
    • .getCanonicalPath() is the decoded raw path and then normalized.