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Building navmesh asynchronously during runtime in unity2D

I faced the problem that the scene of my game changes depending on the actions of the player (he can put obstacles) and navmesh agent should take into account these changes and destroy them.

So I need to recalculate paths for navmesh agent right in the time of the game, I found the function navMeshSurface.BuildNavMeshAsync(); in the hope that I can bake and the game would not stop. When this method is called the game freezes.

What could be the problem with asynchrony?

Perhaps there is an alternative to rebaking, please give me ideas

Last iteration

private async void Update()
            navMeshSurface = GameObject.Find("Navmesh").GetComponent<NavMeshSurface>();
            await UpdateNavMeshAsync();

    async Task UpdateNavMeshAsync()
        navMeshSurface.BuildNavMeshAsync(); //Freeze moment


  • You are over thinking it way too much

    so this link takes you to a video of the below in action.

    public class spawner : MonoBehaviour
    public int Delay = 5;
    public GameObject cube;
    public NavMeshSurface surface;
        private float nextspawntime = 0;
        Vector3 newpos()
            return new Vector3(Random.Range(-24,24),0,Random.Range(-24,24));
        void Update()
            nextspawntime += Time.deltaTime; 
            if (nextspawntime> Delay)
                nextspawntime = 0;
                Instantiate(cube, newpos(), Quaternion.identity);
