I want to perform a Query into a custom Data-Access-Class. Unfortunately I am stuck midway.
class User {
private Long id
private String name
private Set<Group> groups
class Group {
private Long id
private String name
I want to construct the equivalent to the following sql-Statement
select user.id, user.name, ARRAY_AGG(user_groups.groups_id) from user left join user_groups ON user_groups.user_id = user.id group by user.id
I tried the following
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(CustomUser.class)
Root<ENTITY> entryRoot = query.from(User.class);
If I multiselect with a join, it fails, because an aggregate function is missing
query.multiselect(entryRoot.get("id"), entryRoot.get("name"), entryRoot.join("groups", JoinType.Left)
I tried to add an array aggregation into multiselect
arraySelection = CompoundSelection<Object[]> array = criteriaBuilder.array(entryRoot.join("groups", JoinType.LEFT));
query.multiselect(entryRoot.get("id"), entryRoot.get("name"), arraySelection)
This unfortunately fails because Compound-Selections are not allowed with other Selections in a multiselect.
How can I perform an array aggregation with a CriteriaQuery?
I am aware, that I could simply use
CriteriaQuery query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(User.class)
instead of
CriteriaQuery query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(CustomUser.class)
but I want to add further joins of only inversely related Entities. Actually I am stuck in reconstructing the things done automatically, do add more functionality later.
To use the Array-Aggregation available in Postgres an extended Postgres-Dialect with a defined array_agg function.
public class ExtendedPostgreSQL9Dialect extends PostgreSQL9Dialect {
public ExtendedPostgreSQL9Dialect() {
registerFunction("array_agg", new StandardSQLFunction("array_agg", StandardBasicTypes.STRING));
The dialect has to be configured at the configuration yml or in code at
With this a subquery for inverse joins can be constructed
Subquery<String> subquery = query.subquery(String.class);
Root<> subFrom = subquery.from(parentClass);
Join<Object, Object> join = subFrom.join(fieldName);
join.on(criteriaBuilder.equal(entryRoot.get("id"), join.get("id")));
Expression<String> function = criteriaBuilder.function("array_agg", String.class, join.getParent()
In the query itself the selection of the subquery has to be added
query.multiselect(..., subquery.getSelection());