I have a Product API for which I mean to do Unit Testing via xUnit.net and Moq. I'm totally new to Unit Testing btw. I've seen a couple of videos on Unit Testing for controllers via Repository pattern, but This one is a CQRS. below is the presentation layer (API). I call commands or queries from the Application layer.
public async Task<IActionResult> GetAllProducts()
var products = await _mediator.Send(new GetAllProductsQuery());
return Ok(products);
I wanted to test the Controller, so I added a reference to the API on the xUnit project. I tried to structure the commands and queries in the Application layer from the group up based on repository pattern but It failed!
Assuming (for the sake of simplicity) that _mediator
is an instance of this IMediator
interface, injected via the Controller's constructor:
public interface IMediator
Task<IReadOnlyCollection<Product>> Send(GetAllProductsQuery getAllProductsQuery);
you can write a unit test of the Controller action like this:
public async Task GetAllProductsReturnsOk()
var td = new Mock<IMediator>();
var expected = new[] { new Product() };
td.Setup(m => m.Send(It.IsAny<GetAllProductsQuery>())).ReturnsAsync(expected);
var sut = new ProductsController(td.Object);
var result = await sut.GetAllProducts();
var ok = Assert.IsAssignableFrom<OkObjectResult>(result);
Assert.Equal(expected, ok.Value);
This test uses my standard test role names and AAA layout heuristic.