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Spring-boot AwsCrtAsyncHttpClient and NettyNioAsyncHttpClient both in class path

In my application, I am using a custom implemented AWS SNS module. Within that module, I do create a bean of AwsCrtAsyncHttpClient for the SnsAsyncClient usage. However, I am getting the following error...

nested exception is Multiple HTTP implementations were found on the classpath

The reason is that, other dependencies such as AWS CloudWatch, S3, DynamoDB and SQS has a default implementation of netty-nio-client which is NettyNioAsyncHttpClient. I had to exclude that dependency in-order to run the application. Is there any other suggestion for me to use AwsCrtAsyncHttpClient within the SNS implementation and let NettyNioAsyncHttpClient as it is without excluding? Thank you in advance.


  • I was able to find a meaningful response by the following post!