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Redirect stdinput of netcat to current stdout of bash script

I have this script:

exec 4>&1
nc localhost 100 0<&4 &
echo hello 
echo ....

I just want to send hello and other things to netcat but that approach doesn't work.
I know echo "hello" | nc localhost works but I don't need it, same for "nc localhost 0<file.txt echo "hello" >file.txt.
Named pipe also work, but I'd want to know if something easy like above can be achieved.


  • I suggest you try Bash's coprocesses:

    coproc nc ( netcat localhost 100 )

    The above command starts netcat in the background and links its standard input to file descriptor ${nc[1]} and its standard output to ${nc[0]}.

    You can then manipulate those file descriptors in order to replace your current stdin and stdout:

    coproc nc ( netcat localhost 100 )
    # Current stdin and stdout are saved in old_stdin and old_stdout,
    # then they are replaced with the input and output of the coprocess
    exec {old_stdin}<&0 {old_stdout}>&1 <&${nc[0]} >&${nc[1]}
    echo "This is sent to netcat"
    read reply
    # We restore the former stdin and stdout
    exec <&$old_stdin >&$old_stdout
    echo "This was received from netcat: $reply"