I have requirement to mutate the response body for 4xx and 5xx responses.
incoming response would look like
"reason": "sample reason"
I need to change that to
"userMessage": "sample reason"
Here is my attempt
public class ErrorResponseFilter implements GlobalFilter, Ordered {
private static final String REASON = "reason";
private static final String USER_MESSAGE = "userMessage";
private final ModifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory modifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory;
public ErrorResponseFilter(ModifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory modifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory) {
this.modifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory = modifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory;
public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, GatewayFilterChain chain) {
return modifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory
.apply(c -> c.setInClass(JsonNode.class)
.setRewriteFunction((RewriteFunction<JsonNode, JsonNode>) (exchange1, body) -> {
if (null == body) return Mono.empty();
var originalResponse = exchange1.getResponse();
log.info("COOOODEDDDE: " + originalResponse.getStatusCode());
HttpStatusCode statusCode = originalResponse.getStatusCode();
if (statusCode != null && !statusCode.isError()) {
if (body.isObject()) {
ObjectNode node = (ObjectNode) body;
node.set(USER_MESSAGE, node.get(REASON));
return Mono.just(body);
.filter(exchange, chain);
public int getOrder() {
200 OK
all the timeUpdate 1:
I had attempted to use a bean
public RouteLocator routes(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
return builder.routes()
.route("rewrite_response_user_message", r -> r.alwaysTrue()
.filters(f -> f.modifyResponseBody(JsonNode.class, JsonNode.class, (exchange, u) -> {
var originalResponse = exchange.getResponse();
HttpStatusCode statusCode = originalResponse.getStatusCode();
log.info("HTTP CODE: " + originalResponse.getStatusCode());
if(u == null) return Mono.empty();
if (statusCode != null && statusCode.isError()) {
if (u.isObject()) {
ObjectNode node = (ObjectNode) u;
node.set("userMessage", node.get("response"));
return Mono.just(u);
Without the bean a route returns 204 NO CONTENT
but when the bean is enabled the same prints 404
in above code.
Update 2:
Looks like, a filter that applies to all routes cannot be added via Java DSL.
Update 3:
I got it to work for some scenarios with following code and using it as a default-filter
public class ErrorReasonToUserMessageGatewayFilterFactory
extends AbstractGatewayFilterFactory<ErrorReasonToUserMessageGatewayFilterFactory.Config> implements Ordered {
private static final String REASON = "reason";
private static final String USER_MESSAGE = "userMessage";
private final ModifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory modifyResponseBodyFilterFactory;
public ErrorReasonToUserMessageGatewayFilterFactory(
ModifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory modifyResponseBodyFilterFactory) {
this.modifyResponseBodyFilterFactory = modifyResponseBodyFilterFactory;
public GatewayFilter apply(Config config) {
return modifyResponseBodyFilterFactory.apply(
c -> c.setRewriteFunction(JsonNode.class, JsonNode.class, (swe, body) -> Optional.ofNullable(body)
.map(rewriteReasonToUserMessageFunction(swe, body))
private Function<JsonNode, Mono<JsonNode>> rewriteReasonToUserMessageFunction(
ServerWebExchange swe, JsonNode body) {
return s -> {
HttpStatusCode statusCode = swe.getResponse().getStatusCode();
if (statusCode != null && statusCode.isError() && body instanceof ObjectNode obj && body.has(REASON)) {
obj.set(USER_MESSAGE, obj.get(REASON));
return Mono.just(obj);
return Mono.just(body);
public int getOrder() {
public static class Config {}
Above work for scenarios where either the Content-Type: application/json
or missing. it fails for application/octet-stream
as the payload cannot be converted to JsonNode.
Question is how can I apply the above filter conditionally to 4xx/5xx and/or payload cannot be converted to JsonNode?
I got it to work thanks to @spencergibb comment and an example found here Here is the my updated working code that satisfies my needs
public class ErrorResponseGlobalPostFilter implements GlobalFilter, Ordered {
private static final String REASON = "reason";
private static final String USER_MESSAGE = "userMessage";
private final ModifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory modifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory;
private final ModifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory.Config config;
public ErrorResponseGlobalPostFilter(
ModifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory modifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory) {
this.modifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory = modifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory;
config = new ModifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory.Config();
config.setRewriteFunction(JsonNode.class, JsonNode.class, (swe, body) -> Optional.ofNullable(body)
.map(rewriteReasonToUserMessageFunction(swe, body))
public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, GatewayFilterChain chain) {
return chain.filter(
exchange.mutate().response(new ErrorResponseBuilder(exchange)).build());
private Function<JsonNode, Mono<JsonNode>> rewriteReasonToUserMessageFunction(
ServerWebExchange swe, JsonNode body) {
return s -> {
HttpStatusCode statusCode = swe.getResponse().getStatusCode();
if (statusCode != null && statusCode.isError() && body instanceof ObjectNode obj && body.has(REASON)) {
obj.set(USER_MESSAGE, obj.get(REASON));
return Mono.just(obj);
return Mono.just(body);
protected class ErrorResponseBuilder extends ServerHttpResponseDecorator {
private final ServerWebExchange exchange;
public ErrorResponseBuilder(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
this.exchange = exchange;
public Mono<Void> writeWith(@NonNull Publisher<? extends DataBuffer> publishedBody) {
HttpStatusCode statusCode = exchange.getResponse().getStatusCode();
if (statusCode != null
&& statusCode.isError()
&& !Objects.equals(
exchange.getResponse().getHeaders().getContentType(), MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)) {
ModifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory.ModifiedServerHttpResponse modifiedServerHttpResponse =
modifyResponseBodyGatewayFilterFactory.new ModifiedServerHttpResponse(exchange, config);
return modifiedServerHttpResponse.writeWith(publishedBody);
return super.writeWith(publishedBody);
public int getOrder() {
return -1;