In this page:
They give this equation:
How would you apply that formula for example to a triangle with these coordinates?:
p0(-0.5, -0.5)
p1(0.5, -0.5)
p2(0.5, 0.5)
Does it expand to something like this?
(-1/2) ( ((p0.x)(p1.y) - (p1.x)(p0.y)) + ((p1.x)(p2.y) - (p2.x)(p1.y)) + ((p2.x)(p0.y) - (p0.x)(p2.y)) )
(-1/2) ( ((-0.5)(-0.5) - (0.5)(-0.5)) + ((0.5)(0.5) - (0.5)(-0.5)) + ((0.5)(-0.5) - (-0.5)(0.5)) )
(-1/2) ( (0.5) + (0.5) + (0.0) )
The sign being negative so that it is front-facing since "a triangle with negative area is considered front-facing."?
And if so, how does this coorespond to the normals calculation?
The triangle seems to be like this:
The winding seems to be clockwise, so with the defaults (counter-clockwise) it would be backfacing.
The formula is not something invented by Vulkan. It is basic formula for area of a triangle. The classic form is something like this: 0.5|AB×AC|. A, B, and C, are the vertices in this specified order, and so AB and AC are line segments\vectors:
For our purposes we don't need area exactly, we only need the direction of the normal. They just happen to be almost the same thing. We get a normal by calculating the cross product: AB×AC. That yields the vector
(0, 0, AB.x⋅AC.y - AB.y⋅AC.x).
Magnitude of a vector with only one component is the absolute value of that. We skip that absolute value operation, to get a signed "area". So we have just:
AB.x⋅AC.y - AB.y⋅AC.x
AB is simply B-A, and similarly AC = C-A, so substituting that and processing the multiplication, that yields:
Ax⋅By-Bx⋅Ay + Bx⋅Cy-Cx⋅By + Cx⋅Ay-Ax⋅Cy
This matches the Σ in the specification.
With your numbers, that yields (-0.5⋅-0.5)-(0.5⋅-0.5) + (0.5⋅0.5)-(0.5⋅-0.5) + (0.5⋅-0.5)-(-0.5⋅0.5) = 1.
The ½ multiplication obviously does not matter to us, since it is not sign-changing. But anyway, that makes it ½×1 = 0.5. That checks out: area of a 1x1 right-angled triangle is 0.5.
The y coordinates poining down causes mirroring, therefore changes the perceived direction of winding:
Therefore we must swap the sign in the equation: -0.5(AB.x⋅AC.y - AB.y⋅AC.x). So we get -0.5.
, the frontface is the one with positive area, so we are indeed seeing the backface.