I have developed a custom mule library to verify and generate jwt token using java module. I imported my library in Mule application and added it to shared library. The custom library uses com.auth0.jwt package. I added it to mule-artifact.json in exportedPackages but still got error NoClassDefFoundError.
"Invocation of static Method 'main(java.lang.String[])' from Class 'com.mypackage.oauth.CustomAuth' with arguments [java.util.ArrayList<?> args] resulted in an error.\nExpected arguments are [java.lang.String[] args].\nCause: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError - com/auth0/jwt/JWT"
mule-artifact.json in my custom library:
"minMuleVersion": "4.4.0",
"classLoaderModelLoaderDescriptor": {
"id": "mule",
"attributes": {
"exportedPackages": [
Custom library java class is using these import statements:
package com.mypackage.oauth;
import com.auth0.jwt.JWT;
import com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.DecodedJWT;
And I added it to my mule application in shared library of mule-plugin:
And as a dependency:
I have already added jwt dependency in library pom.xml and imported xml file in the mule application to import the flows of mule library.
thank you @Aled and @Jim for your comments.
I fixed the issue by adding jwt library to the configuration of sharedLibrary in the Mule application: