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Angular condition to show spinner before subscribe Observable in HTML

im working Angular 15 project, i have a table where I want to show a loading spinner in a column before getting data from observable.

<tr *ngFor="let course of courseItems$ | async">
    <ng-container *ngIf="condition to show only before getting data from course.additionalInfo$">
      Loading ...
    <ng-container *ngIf="(course.additionalInfo$ | async) as additionalInfo">

do you have any idea how can catch the moment before data subscription ?


  • Using *ngIf conditional template rendering.

    Following code is not optimized. Use with CAUTION.

    <tr *ngFor="let course of courseItems$ | async">
      <td *ngIf="
           course.additionalInfo$ | async as additionalInfo;
           then courseInfoTemplate
           else loadingTemplate
        <ng-template #courseInfoTemplate>
        <ng-template #loadingTemplate>
          Loading ...

    *ngIf directive can be used to switch between conditional templates.


    Syntax: ngIf="condition; then trueTemplate else falseTemplate" switching between trueTemplate and falseTemplate. | Detailed Docs

    1. Angular converts course.additionalInfo$ to Observable that will live with current Template lifecycle.
    2. *ngIf will load the corresponding template as content of the directive element.

    UPDATE 1 [Good practice] - Optimized *ngFor performance and readability / code maintainability

    <ng-template> Elements defined into *ngFor loops may provide memory leak or performance issues and isn't recommended! see note - |1|

    <tr *ngFor="let course of courseItems$ | async">
      <td *ngIf="
        course.additionalInfo$ | async as additionalInfo;
        then courseInfoTemplate
        else loadingTemplate
        <ng-template #courseInfoTemplate let-additionalInfo>
        <ng-template #loadingTemplate>
          Loading ...

    In short: We have seperated the templates from the loop *ngFor. We added let-additionalInfo attribute to the <ng-template> element. *ngIf will inject the resolved data as template variable (visible in the template scope). We named that variable: additionalInfo.

    Explanation for geeks:

    Since we moved the <ng-template> elmeents out of the scope(context) we cannot access additionalInfo directly. So we need to decode the
    Structural directive syntax ( Structural directive syntax After 10 minutes of stairing we begin to wonder whether we should seek an example from another 3rd-party source. Syntax explanation

    NgIf may inject an context(data) to the if/else templateRefs.

    Rare Magic Artefacts Hidden behavior or magic effects
    as keyword Define new named local variable. Example: *ngIf="expressionToEvaluate as expResult" will create local variable expResult visible within directive element scope.
    as keyword with additional condition operators books$ | async as books && booksListEnabled then listTemplate else emptyTemplate will create local variable books, but then emptyTemplate will be rendered.
    then and else NgIf API docs ngIfThen / ngIfElse are @Input()s promerties of NgIf Directive. Regarding to the official API - They are TemplateRef and inject NgIfContext to the EmbeddedViews of the templates. NgIfContext = expResult (see row |1|) In most cases NgIf context is injected using $implicit - that means the data is will be injected queitly into the template. And ONLY if we announce we will use it with let- key definition. (see next row)
    <ng-template let-blah>... let- key define a local variable for the template. In this example let-blah will define blah local variable. NgIf will inject the books object into blah local variable. However Instead of using books[0].title we have to access it as blah[0].title. Note: Usually we want to stay sync and use let-books for the context.

    Note |1|: Vary on different ng versions, angular compilator/cli versions or project configurations. Try to avoid this bad practice!