I'm building a JavaScript Chrome extension (V3).
I want to be able to detect response bodies from incoming APIs whenever I'm on a website.
I'm using chrome.devtools.network.onRequestFinished.addListener but I couldn't seem to extract the response body.
Here's my code:
const getContent = async response => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
response.getContent((body) => {
}) }
chrome.devtools.network.onRequestFinished.addListener(async api => {
if (api.request.url.includes('https://developer.mozilla.org/pong/get')) {
const responseBody = await getContent(api.response);
console.log('Response Body:', responseBody);
} })
I'm getting the error that 'getContent' is not a function.
Has anyone built a JavaScript Chrome extension that extracts API response bodies?
You need to call the .getContent() method on the variable api:
const getContent = async response => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
response.getContent((body) => {
chrome.devtools.network.onRequestFinished.addListener(async api => {
if (api.request.url.includes('https://developer.mozilla.org/pong/get')) {
const responseBody = await getContent(api)
console.log('Response Body:', responseBody)