I Have a Main Anchorpane. Inside this anchorpane I have a Splitpane and inside this splitpane there is two Anchorpane(masterAnchorpane and sidebarAnchorpane). So I want to load rest of my FXML files in masterAnchorpane IMAGE ATTACHED FOR REFERENCE. I tried so many solutions in this case, but I can't solve this issue.
This is my code. Also I try many of codes to solve this.
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/FXML/CRM/Customer/customerMaster.fxml"));
anchrMaster = loader.load();
CustomerMasterController cmc = loader.getController();
scene_customer = new Scene(anchrMaster);
Error Shows in this code
class javafx.scene.control.SplitPane cannot be cast to class
javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane (javafx.scene.control.SplitPane is in module
javafx.controls@20 of loader 'app'; javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane is in
module javafx.graphics@20 of loader 'app')
So please help to solve this issue. I'm a newbie in java and also there is limited references for Javafx20. Thanks for Advance
Your code/stacktrace looks like anchrMaster
is an AnchorPane
and you are loading a SplitPane
into it.
The method loader.load()
loads the fxml file and returns a node of the root tag of the fxml file.
I suggest, that your fxml file has a SplitPane
as root node.
Load your fxml file into a parent node object and replace the content of your AnchorPane
with it.
Parent root = loader.load();