How do i tell qTip to use another attribute than 'title' as default?
The reason i need to use another attribute, is because when i disable qtip and dynamically add elements with "title", the title will show when i hover my mouse over the element. Which i dont want to happen.
In our project, we also use qTip and force it to use content of a children instead of Title attribute. The children content is hidden by default (CSS -> display:none;)
$elem = $(this);
$elem .qtip({
content: $elem.children('.tiptext').html(),
show: 'mouseover',
hide: 'mouseout',
position: {
corner: {
target: 'bottomMiddle',
tooltip: 'topMiddle'
style: {
tip: true,
name: 'blue',
color: '#A04242',
background: '#EEEEEE',
border: {
width: 1,
radius: 3,
color: '#4F81BD'