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Template class variable giving segment fault when changing it

The issue I am having is in my set_data() function. I am trying to have it set the data_field variable to d , the variable that is passed into the function, but I am getting segmentation fault whenever I try.

this is the function calling the class

For the test run variable i is an int that I am trying to add to the node data_field. i the int value of i is i = 0.

template<class T>
void dlist<T>::rear_insert(T i){

    dnode<T>* temp;

    temp -> set_data(i); // function call that is causing the segmentation fault

    if(tail == nullptr ){

        tail = temp;

        head = temp;

    } else {

        dnode<T>* temp1 = tail;
        tail -> set_next(temp);

        tail = tail -> next();

        tail -> set_previous(temp1);



Here is the full code I am using for the class giving me the error

template<class T>
class dnode{


        dnode(T d = T(), dnode *n = NULL, dnode *p = NULL) {data = d;  next = n; previous = p;}

        void set_data(T d){

            data_field = d; //The line that gives 
                            //segmentation fault

        void set_next(dnode *n){next_field = n;}

        void set_previous(dnode *p){previous_field = p;}

        T data()const {return data_field;}

        dnode* next() const {return next_field;}

        dnode* previous() {return previous_field;}

        T data_field;
        dnode* next_field;
        dnode* previous_field;


I have used cout to check if it was recieving the correct data and it was able to print the correct data to the file. the issue is with data_field = d. I have looked over other sources and they have set up the code like I have, I am not sure why I am getting segmentation fault.

 void set_data(T d){

            cout << d;

            //data_field = d; 

it out puts 0 which is the correct value for d. Uncommenting data_field = d causes the segmentation fault.


  • In this situation, you'd need to initialize temp to be pointing to something valid. The simplest is to do auto temp = new dnode<T>();