It is my first time starting a project from scratch with react and MUI and I've been wondering if I've set it right.
I currently want to add some styling using makeStyles to some components offered by Material UI such as Button, Field or Paper.
The thing is, whenever I add some style to one of these components, if the default one has a propriety already defined, my added style won't be taken into account.
For a simple example, I have this very simple Button that's supposed to be rounded and have a dark green background color but it looks like that:
As we can see in the following bits of code, I do try to add some styling but without any success for the button. Meanwhile, the grid component and the div element have their added style taken into account.
<Grid item className={classes.gridItem}>
<div className={classes.formButtonContainer}>
<Button onClick={submitForm}>
Below, we can see the styling I added using makeStyles:
export default makeStyles((theme) => ({
button: {
width: '100%',
borderRadius: '25px',
backgroundColor: '#1db954',
color: 'white'
formButtonContainer: {
textAlign: 'center',
gridItem: {
width: '100%'
Online, I've been reading about adding props like InputProps or including overrideStyles in my theme creation but none of it worked so far and that's why I'm enquiring to you all :)
Any suggestion will be appreciated, thanks in advance for reading !
makeStyles -> "The legacy styling solution for Material UI, now deprecated and not recommended for use."
Possible replacement option - styled:
import { styled } from '@mui/system'
const MyButton = styled(Button)(({ theme }) => ({
width: '100%',
borderRadius: '25px',
backgroundColor: '#1db954',
color: 'white',