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In Node how to merge an array of objects into a new array where each object name has it's values in an array of strings?

I have an array of objects that looks like:

const arr = [
        "name": "Day",
        "value": "Monday"
        "name": "Month",
        "value": "November"
        "name": "Day",
        "value": "Monday"
        "name": "Month",
        "value": "December"
        "name": "Day",
        "value": "Friday"
        "name": "Month",
        "value": "November"
        "name": "Day",
        "value": "Friday"
        "name": "Month",
        "value": "December"

but I'm needing to modify my array of objects to:

const final = [
        "name": "Day",
        "values": [
        "name": "Month",
        "values": [

I can filter out the duplicates with:

const filtered = arr.filter(
    (v, i, a) =>
      a.findIndex(v2 => v?.name === v2?.name && v?.value === v2?.value) === i

but I'm stuck on the approach on an efficient way to do this without Lodash or underscore and I've tried using Object.assign() but my implementation isn't working:

const test ={ name, value }) =>
    Object.assign({ name, value: [] }, (name, value))

Thought I had seen this asked before and tested answers from:

In an array of objects and can I combine the objects with the same name but have the value in an array of strings?


  • Use reduce with a start value that has your days and moths elements preallocated, using a Set to automatically ignore duplicates, and then after you've reduced everything, converting that set into an array:

    const arr = [{
        name: "Day",
        value: "Monday",
        name: "Month",
        value: "November",
        name: "Day",
        value: "Monday",
        name: "Month",
        value: "December",
        name: "Day",
        value: "Friday",
        name: "Month",
        value: "November",
        name: "Day",
        value: "Friday",
        name: "Month",
        value: "December",
    // reduce the data to the form you need:
    const final = arr.reduce(
      (resultSoFar, {name, value}) => {
        // find the "bin" to add this value to:
        let bin = resultSoFar.find((e) => === name);
        // or make a new bin if there isn't one:
        if (!bin) resultSoFar.push(bin = { name, values: new Set() });
        // then add our value, and return the new result so far.
        return resultSoFar;
      // and start with `resultSoFar` being an empty array:
    // as last step, convert the sets into plain arrays:
    final.forEach(e => e.values = [...e.values]);
    // what did we get?