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How to test a Server Sent Events (SSE) route in NodeJS?

I have a Server Sent Events route on my NodeJS app that clients can subscribe to for getting real-time updates from the server. It looks like follows:

router.get('/updates', (req, res) => {
    res.writeHead(200, {
        'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream',
        'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
        'Connection': 'keep-alive'

    const triggered = (info) => {
        res.write(`\ndata: ${JSON.stringify(info)}\n\n`)

    eventEmitter.addListener(, triggered)

    req.on('close', () => {
        eventEmitter.removeListener(, triggered)

Testing a traditional route using supertest is simple enough in node:

test('Should get and render view', async() => {
    const res = await request(app)

However, this does not work when testing a SSE route.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to test a SSE route with Node? It doesn't necessarily have to be tested with supertest. Just looking for ideas on how to test it, supertest or otherwise.

I have an idea about how to integration test this. Basically, one would have to spin up a server before the test, subscribe to it during the test and close it after the test. However, it doesn't work as expected in Jest when I use beforeEach() and afterEach() to spin up a server.


  • I would mock/fake everything used by the endpoint, and check if the endpoint executes in the right order with the correct variables. First, I would declare trigger function and close event callback outside of the endpoint so that I could test them directly. Second, I would eliminate all global references in all functions in favor of function parameters:

    let triggered = (res) => (info) => {
        res.write(`\ndata: ${JSON.stringify(info)}\n\n`);
    let onCloseHandler = (eventEmitter, constants, triggered, res) => () => {
        eventEmitter.removeListener(, triggered(res));
    let updatesHandler = (eventEmitter, constants, triggered) => (req, res) => {
        res.writeHead(200, {
            'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream',
            'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
            'Connection': 'keep-alive'
        eventEmitter.addListener(, triggered(res));
        req.on('close', onCloseHandler(eventEmitter, constants, triggered, res));
    router.get('/updates', updatesHandler(eventEmitter, constants, triggered));

    With this code, the test cases would be like:

    test("triggered", () => {
        let res;
        beforeEach(() => {
            res = generateFakeRespone();
        it("should execute res.write with the correct variable", () => {
            expect(res.write).to.have.been.called.with(`\ndata: ${JSON.stringify("whatever")}\n\n`);
    test("onCloseHandler", () => {
        let res;
        let eventEmitter;
        let constants;
        let triggered;
        beforeEach(() => {
            res = Math.random();
            eventEmitter = generateFakeEventEmitter();
            constants = generateFakeConstants();
            triggered = generateFakeTriggered();
        it("should execute eventEmitter.removeListener", () => {
            onCloseHandler(eventEmitter, constants, triggered, res);
    test("updatesHandler", () => {
        beforeEach(() => {
            req = generateFakeRequest();
            res = generateFakeRespone();
            eventEmitter = generateFakeEventEmitter();
            constants = generateFakeConstants();
            triggered = generateFakeTriggered();
        it("should execute res.writeHead", () => {
            updatesHandler(eventEmitter, constants, triggered)(req, res);
        it("should execute req.on", () => {
        // more tests ...

    With this style of coding and testing, you have the ability to make very detailed unit test. The downside is that it take much more effort to test everything properly.