I use the audio tag in a component as propsed here: https://cookbook.vaadin.com/embed-audio
Now I want to fire an event when the audio plays. I found out that the audio tag provides the timeupdate event. I can catch it and it workes well. But now I want to get the current time of the audio playing. I read that the audio element has an attribute currentTime. But when I want to get that attribute from the audio element, it is not existing.
I printed all attributes of audio and everyting a get is src and style. Hope you can point me in the right direction here, since this does absolutely not make sense to me.
Edit: When I query the attribute via executeJs like:
UI.getCurrent().getPage().executeJs("return $0.currentTime", audio.getElement());
... , I get the value I'm looking for but then, the event listener does not work synchrnously anymore.
My class looks like that:
public class Audio extends Component implements HasSize {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final PropertyDescriptor<String, String> srcDescriptor = PropertyDescriptors
.attributeWithDefault("src", "");
public Audio() {
getElement().setProperty("controls", true);
public Audio(String src) {
getElement().setProperty("controls", true);
public String getSrc() {
return get(srcDescriptor);
public void setSrc(String src) {
set(srcDescriptor, src);
public void setSrc(final AbstractStreamResource resource) {
getElement().setAttribute("src", resource);
public void play() {
public void stop() {
public static class TimeUpdateEvent extends ComponentEvent<Audio> {
private final int progress;
public TimeUpdateEvent(Audio audio, boolean fromClient) {
super(audio, fromClient);
String currentTime = audio.getElement().getAttribute("currentTime");
this.progress = Integer.valueOf(currentTime);
public Audio getAudio() {
return (Audio) this.source;
public int getProgress() {
return this.progress;
public Registration addTimeUpdateListener(ComponentEventListener<Audio.TimeUpdateEvent> listener) {
return addListener(Audio.TimeUpdateEvent.class, listener);
Okay, I found a way using property chance listeners. I'm observice the javascript property currentTime and react to the timeupdate event. This does not emit a ComponentEvent but I can live with that.
public Audio() {
this.getElement().addPropertyChangeListener("currentTime", "timeupdate", e -> {
currentTime = Float.parseFloat(e.getValue().toString());
getElement().setProperty("controls", true);