I would like to save some boilerplate template code in helm.
In my values.yaml I have to fields: schema
, schemas
which define the same object, once singular and once as list.
In my template I would like to not care about this. Thats why I combine this field as a single list:
{{- $schemas := list -}}
{{- if .Values.schema -}}
{{- $schemas = list .Values.schema -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.schemas -}}
{{- $schemas = .Values.schemas -}}
{{- end -}}
then I can simply loop over $schemas
Now I do not want to copy past this whole bulk into every template. I would love to handle this as a helper function.
so I tried this:
{{- define "helper.schemas" -}}
{{- $schemas := list -}}
{{- if .Values.postgres.database.schema -}}
{{- $schemas = list .Values.postgres.database.schema -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.postgres.database.schemas -}}
{{- $schemas = .Values.postgres.database.schemas -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $schemas }}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $indx, $schema := include "helper.schemas" . }}
this results in range can't iterate over [map[.. ..]]
How can I pass as helm list from a helper function to a template variable?
In the Go text/template
language, define
d helper functions only ever produce strings. In the core language, the template
action writes the string to the template's output; Helm has an include
extension that returns a string, but it always returns only a string and nothing else.
In principle you could use some other syntax, like transforming the list result to and from JSON
{{- define "helper.schemas -}}
{{/* ... */}}
{{- toJson $schemas -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ $schemas := include "helper.schemas" . | fromJson }}
Perhaps writing this as a one-liner might make it easier to copy-and-paste, but maybe not
{{ $schemas := .Values.schema | list | compact | default .Values.schemas }}
(Take schema
; package it into a singleton list; remove falsey [null] values from the list; and if the result is falsey [empty] then use schemas
In practice I'd probably avoid having two different settings for the same thing and just use the list-typed schemas
setting, with the YAML syntax for a single-valued list being pretty straightforward.