Search code examples

Exact match with InStr

I have a spreadsheet with product descriptions. In the description there are various combinations.
Pack of 1, PACK OF 1, 1 PAck etc.

I have written code whereby I can configure a table of pack descriptions and sizes, to populate a field with the numeric pack size.

Table - trying to populate last column with number based on the pack found in the title
Table - trying to populate last column with number based on the pack found in the title

Pack Configuration
Pack Configuration

The code runs but it is matching PACK OF 10 in the title with Pack of 1 and putting a 1 in the end column.

I tried various combinations of the InStr syntax.

Is there a way to search for an exact match in the string?

The code works apart from this piece.

'Reset filter and 'Process PackSize not updated in filter process
PLCount = PackTbl.AutoFilter.Range.Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Cells.Count
SizeCount = SizeTbl.AutoFilter.Range.Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Cells.Count
For i = 6 To ApdCount
  If Sheets("DATA - Product Validation").Range("i" & i).Value = "" Then
    If Sheets("DATA - Product Validation").Range("g" & i).Value <> "" Then
      k = 2
      For k = 2 To PLCount
        sc = 2

        For sc = 2 To SizeCount
          PackSize = PackListWs.Range("e" & sc).Value
          PackFilter = PackListWs.Range("c" & k).Value
          PackFilter = Replace((PackFilter), "*", PackSize)
          PackFilter = "*" & PackFilter & "*"
          Application.StatusBar = "Processing Amazon Pack Sizes without brackets -  " & PackFilter
          StrToChk = AmzDataWs.Range("g" & i).Value

          If InStr(1, (StrToChk), (PackFilter), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
            AmzDataWs.Range("i" & i) = PackSize
            GoTo NoUpdate2
          End If

        Next sc
      Next k
    End If
  End If
Next i


  • Here's something to try:

    Sub Doit()
        Dim sTest As String
        sTest = "qwerwqerqwerweqrqwer (Pack of 10)"
        Dim iLocate_PackOf As Long
        Dim sPackOf As String
        Dim aPackOf() As String
        Dim sCount As String
        Dim iCount As Long
        sTest = LCase(sTest) ' Set to lowercase
        sTest = Trim(Replace(sTest, ")", " ")) ' replace any right penrens with space, then trim
        iLocate_PackOf = InStr(1, sTest, "pack of ")
        iCount = 0
        If iLocate_PackOf > 0 Then
            sPackOf = Right(sTest, Len(sTest) - iLocate_PackOf) ' Extract "pack of XX"
            aPackOf = Split(sPackOf, " ") ' Split "pack of XX" into array
            sCount = aPackOf(UBound(aPackOf)) ' Get last element, XX
            If IsNumeric(sCount) Then ' If it's a number then get count.
                iCount = CLng(sCount)
            End If
        End If
    End Sub