So I need to use data in my R package functions. All is well if I do library(myPkg)
and then use the function I need e.g.:
[1] "A" "2"
But I can't use the function if I don't attach the package.
Restarting R session...
Error in myPkg::c_my_data(2) : object 'my_data' not found
I use roxygen2 to generate the NAMESPACE file and it says:
Datasets: all datasets are publicly available. They exist outside of the package namespace and must not be exported.
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
The c_my_data.R file:
#' Data Adder
#' @param x a number
#' @export
c_my_data<- function(x) {
c(my_data, x)
Creating my_data
#called from datsets.R in project data-raw folder
my_data <- c("A")
The data.R file:
#' My data
#' A vector
#' @format ## `my_data`
#' A vector
#' \describe{
#' \item{A}{Letter}
#' }
#' @source Me
Is there any way I can add the data so that myPkg::c_my_data(2)
would work?
Just calling my_data
works only if the data has been previously loaded into the local environment once, by either:
data("my_data", env = environment())
When you did not use library(MyPkg)
but also none of the other options in your script, my_data
was never initially loaded.
But when you used library(MyPkg)
, everything worked, which seems logical.
In this answer to a similar question, the solution is to use data()
once in the beginning to access package data inside the function.
As kindly pointed out in the comments (@user2554330), the option MyPkg::my_data
is working, not because it tells R where to find my_data
- but because it has the side effect of loading the data into the local environment.
The function myPkg::c_my_data() will be able to see all private variables in the package, and as soon as you call it, myPkg will be loaded (but not put on the search list).
can be addressed inside the function without specifying the package origin. The reason it is not found is that it was not loaded, but not because location was unclear.