I'm working on an assignement that's due next week So basically I have a class User with the following attributes
private String userName, password;
private final Instant registrationDate;
private HashSet<User> setSubs;
private ArrayList<Post> listPosts;
private int Index;
The methods I'm trying to test are
public Post addPost(String msg) {
Post post = new Post(msg);
listPosts.add(0, post);
return post;
public Post getPost(int i) {
return listPosts.get(i);
Here's the class Post attributes
private final String textPost;
private final Instant dateCreation; //this.dateCreation = Instant.now();
private HashSet<User> likedUsers;
Here's the issue I'm facing, when testing the method addPost it gives the error org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: expected: <true> but was: <false>
, when looking at the test's class I noticed that its failing in this bit
for (int i = 0; i < (self.getPostNb() - 1); i++) { //getPostNb() = listPost.size()
assertTrue(self.getPost(i).isAfter(self.getPost(i + 1)));
And for the method getPost it gives the error error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive
whithout even running the test
Please any advice to fix them? thanks
I need the Junit tests to all return successful, but only addPost and getPost are failing which made two other methods that uses them to also be aborted
Edit: assertInvariant method
public void assertInvariant(User self) {
// Put here the code to check the invariant:
// @invariant getName() != null && !getName().isBlank();
// @invariant getPassword() != null && !getPassword().isBlank();
// @invariant getRegistrationDate() != null;
// @invariant getSubscriptions() != null && !getSubscriptions().contains(null);
// @invariant getSubscriptionNb() == getSubscriptions().size();
assertEquals(self.getSubscriptionNb(), self.getSubscriptions().size());
// @invariant getPosts() != null && !getPosts().contains(null);
// @invariant (\forall int i, j; i >= 0 && i < j && j < getPostNb(); getPost(i).isAfter(getPost(j)));
for (int i = 0; i < (self.getPostNb() - 1); i++) {
assertTrue(self.getPost(i).isAfter(self.getPost(i + 1)));
// @invariant getPostNb() == getPosts().size();
assertTrue(self.getPostNb() == self.getPosts().size());
// @invariant previousIndex() >= -1 && previousIndex() < getPosts().size();
assertTrue(self.previousIndex() >= -1);
assertTrue(self.previousIndex() < self.getPosts().size());
// @invariant nextIndex() >= 0 && nextIndex() <= getPosts().size();
assertTrue(self.nextIndex() >= 0);
assertTrue(self.nextIndex() <= self.getPosts().size());
// @invariant nextIndex() == previousIndex() + 1;
assertTrue(self.nextIndex() == self.previousIndex() + 1);
// @invariant lastIndex() >= -1 && lastIndex() < getPosts().size();
assertTrue(self.lastIndex() >= -1);
assertTrue(self.lastIndex() < self.getPosts().size());
// @invariant lastIndex() == previousIndex() || lastIndex() == nextIndex();
assertTrue(self.lastIndex() == self.previousIndex() || self.lastIndex() == self.nextIndex());
Test method for addPost
public void testaddPost(User self, String msg) {
assumeTrue(self != null);
// Invariant:
// Pré-conditions:
// @requires msg != null;
assumeTrue(msg != null);
// Oldies:
Instant oldDate = Instant.now();
// Wait until oldDate is really old:
ArrayList<User> list = new ArrayList<User>(1);
while (!oldDate.isBefore(Instant.now())) {
// old in:@ensures getPostNb() == \old(getPostNb()) + 1;
int oldPostNb = self.getPostNb();
// @ensures \old(lastIndex() >= 0) ==> nextIndex() == \old(nextIndex() + 1);
int oldNextIndex = self.nextIndex();
// @ensures \old(lastIndex() >= 0) ==> previousIndex() == \old(previousIndex() + 1);
int oldPrevIndex = self.previousIndex();
// @ensures \old(lastIndex() >= 0) ==> lastIndex() == \old(lastIndex() + 1);
int oldLastIndex = self.lastIndex();
// Exécution:
Post result = self.addPost(msg);
// Wait until exec date is really old:
Instant execDate = Instant.now();
while (!execDate.isBefore(Instant.now())) {
list = null;
// Post-conditions:
// @ensures getPost(0).equals(\result);
assertEquals(self.getPost(0), result);
// @ensures \result.getText().equals(msg);
assertEquals(msg, result.getText());
// @ensures getPostNb() == \old(getPostNb()) + 1;
assertEquals(oldPostNb + 1, self.getPostNb());
// @ensures oldDate.isBefore(\result.getDate());
// @ensures \result.getDate().isBefore(Instant.now());
if (oldLastIndex >= 0) {
// @ensures \old(lastIndex() >= 0) ==> nextIndex() == \old(nextIndex() + 1);
assertEquals(oldNextIndex + 1, self.nextIndex());
// @ensures \old(lastIndex() >= 0) ==> previousIndex() == \old(previousIndex() + 1);
assertEquals(oldPrevIndex + 1, self.previousIndex());
// @ensures \old(lastIndex() >= 0) ==> lastIndex() == \old(lastIndex() + 1);
assertEquals(oldLastIndex + 1, self.lastIndex());
} else {
// @ensures \old(lastIndex() == -1) ==> nextIndex() == \old(nextIndex());
assertEquals(oldNextIndex, self.nextIndex());
// @ensures \old(lastIndex() == -1) ==> previousIndex() == \old(previousIndex());
assertEquals(oldPrevIndex, self.previousIndex());
// @ensures \old(lastIndex() == -1) ==> lastIndex() == \old(lastIndex());
assertEquals(oldLastIndex, self.lastIndex());
// Invariant:
Test method for getPost
public void testgetPost(User self, int i) {
assumeTrue(self != null);
// Invariant:
// Pré-conditions:
// @requires i >= 0 && i < getPostNb();
assumeTrue(i >= 0 && i < self.getPostNb());
// Save state for purity check:
// Oldies:
// Exécution:
Post result = self.getPost(i);
// Post-conditions:
// @ensures \result.equals(getPosts().get(i));
assertEquals(self.getPosts().get(i), result);
// Assert purity:
// Invariant:
isAfter/isBefore method
public boolean isAfter(Post p) {
return getDate().isAfter(p.getDate()); //getDate().isBefore(p.getDate())
PS. I shouldn't be changing the test methods
UPDATE: the test data is provided by
public static Stream<Arguments> userAndStringProvider() {
return Stream
.generate(() -> Arguments.of(userSupplier(), stringSupplier()))
public static List<User> allUser() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(allUsers);
public static User userSupplier() {
return getRandomElt(allUsers);
public static <T> T getRandomElt(Collection<T> c) {
int index = randInt(c.size());
if (c instanceof List<?>) {
return ((List<T>) c).get(index);
int i = 0;
for (T elt : c) {
if (i == index) {
return elt;
throw new NoSuchElementException();
so recently I was in a meeting with my professor, and showed him this error and here's the answer Apparently I'm supposed to have 3 indexes instead of one, and that's what have been messing with th tests causing them to fails Alas, when I did the changes, the tests were successful
public Post addPost(String msg) {
Post post = new Post(msg);
listPosts.add(0, post);
previousIndex++; //index of the previous post
nextIndex++; //index of the next post
lastIndex++; //index of the last post visited (or current post)
return post;
And for getPost, it was correct this whole time I want to thank everyone that participated in helping me solve this issues, and I wish you all a good rest of day Thanks and Goodbye