I am trying to redirect traffic from an older version of my site to the newer version of the site. Although, I have these 2 specific requirements. I need:
to be redirected to new.mysite.com/homepage
should be redirected to new.mysite.com/this/sub/path
I am using the kubernetes nginx ingress controller and I am currently using configuration-snippets to redirect all the traffic from old to new site like this:
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
if ($host = "old.mysite.com")
return 301 https://new.mysite.com$request_uri;
Is there a way to modify this to fit my requirement or is there a different way to approach this?
You can do this by combining server snippet along with your configuration snippet.
This will match to the default /
URI and do the redirection.
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/server-snippet: |
location = / {
rewrite ^ https://new.mysite.com/homepage permanent;