I have a lot of Jenkins jobs that has this option enabled in their configuration page
How can I disable it via pipeline code so it'll be this?
Here's the prototype
import hudson.model.*
Hudson.instance.getAllItems(Job.class).each {
if (it.fullName.contains("someJobName")) {
// Disable "Discard old builds"
it.discardOldBuilds(disabled) // pseudo code
You can use the Jenkins management Script Console to run a system groovy script that will modify the BuildDiscarder for all jobs. You can use something like:
def numToKeep = 7
def daysToKeep = 7
def artifactDaysToKeep = -1 // -1 is an empty value
def artifactNumToKeep = -1 // -1 is an empty value
Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(Job.class).each { item ->
println("Job Name: ${item.fullName}")
println("Job type: ${item.getClass()}\n")
println("Current BuildDiscarder configuration:")
if(item.buildDiscarder) {
println("BuildDiscarder: ${item.buildDiscarder.getClass()}")
println("Current setting: Days to keep=${item.buildDiscarder.daysToKeepStr}; Num to keep=${item.buildDiscarder.numToKeepStr}; Artifact day to keep=${item.buildDiscarder.artifactDaysToKeepStr}; Artifact num to keep=${item.buildDiscarder.artifactNumToKeepStr}\n")
else {
println("No BuildDiscarder is configured\n")
println("Setting new LogRotator settings")
item.buildDiscarder = new hudson.tasks.LogRotator(daysToKeep,numToKeep, artifactDaysToKeep, artifactNumToKeep)
item.save() // save the job with the new config
println("Job configured")
This is the basic script for configuring the LogRotator across all jobs.
If you want to disable the configuration you have two options:
item.buildDiscarder = null // reset the buildDiscarder configuration
item.save() // save the job with the new config
def numToKeep = -1
def daysToKeep = -1
def artifactDaysToKeep = -1
def artifactNumToKeep = -1
item.buildDiscarder = new hudson.tasks.LogRotator(daysToKeep,numToKeep, artifactDaysToKeep, artifactNumToKeep)