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Skip rows with no entry

I want to send emails with VBA based on a table with included email address strEmail.
enter image description here

When there is a row with no email address, I get an error message and only the first row will be sent.

How can I skip rows with no email address until there is a row where strTour_Nr is empty?

Sub sendCustEmails()
    Dim objOutlook As Object
    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Dim objEmail As Object
    Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    intRow = 2
    strTour_Nr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren").Range("F" & intRow).Text
    While (strTour_Nr <> " ")
        Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
        'Subject and Body templates are in cells A2 and B2
        strMailSubject = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Tabelle1").Range("A2").Text
        strMailBody = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Tabelle1").Range("B2").Text
        strTour_Nr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren").Range("F" & intRow).Text
        strUntName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren").Range("C" & intRow).Text
        strEmail = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren").Range("P" & intRow).Text
        strVon_Ladedatum = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren").Range("K" & intRow).Text
        strVon_Ladezeit = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren").Range("M" & intRow).Text
        strBis_Ladezeit = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren").Range("N" & intRow).Text
        strPOD_fehlt = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren").Range("Q" & intRow).Text
        strIOP_IOD_fehlt = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren").Range("R" & intRow).Text
        strPOD_missing = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren").Range("S" & intRow).Text
        strIOD_IOP_missing = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren").Range("T" & intRow).Text
        strMailSubject = Replace(strMailSubject, "<TourNr>", strTour_Nr)
        strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<TourNr>", strTour_Nr)
        strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<Unt_Name>", strUntName)
        strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<Von_Ladedatum>", strVon_Ladedatum)
        strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<Von_Ladezeit>", strVon_Ladezeit)
        strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<Bis_Ladezeit>", strBis_Ladezeit)
        strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<POD_fehlt>", strPOD_fehlt)
        strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<IOP_IOD_fehlt>", strIOP_IOD_fehlt)
        strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<POD_missing>", strPOD_missing)
        strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<IOP_IOD_missing>", strIOD_IOP_missing)       
        With objEmail
            .To = CStr(strEmail)
            .Subject = strMailSubject
            .Body = strMailBody
        End With
        intRow = intRow + 1
        strTour_Nr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren").Range("F" & intRow).Text

End Sub

On Error Resume Next seems to work but I don't know how/where to stop it.


  • Try setting your Worksheet object and then by using With statement you can make your code shorter and easier to read.

    I replaced your While loop condition with a regular For.

    See comments within code notes below:

    Sub sendCustEmails()
        Dim objOutlook As Object
        Dim objEmail As Object
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Dim LastRow As Long, intRow As Long
        Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        ' set worksheet object
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("2. Ansprechpartner für Touren")
        LastRow = ws.Range("F2").End(xlDown).Row ' get last row with data in worksheet
        With ws
            ' loop over rows with data in column F
            For intRow = 2 To LastRow
                If Trim(.Range("F" & intRow).Value) <> "" Then  ' check that column F contains text in it
                    Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
                    'Subject and Body templates are in cells A2 and B2
                    strMailSubject = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Tabelle1").Range("A2").Value
                    strMailBody = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Tabelle1").Range("B2").Value
                    strTour_Nr = .Range("F" & intRow).Value
                    strUntName = .Range("C" & intRow).Value
                    strEmail = .Range("P" & intRow).Value
                    strVon_Ladedatum = .Range("K" & intRow).Value
                    strVon_Ladezeit = .Range("M" & intRow).Value
                    strBis_Ladezeit = .Range("N" & intRow).Value
                    strPOD_fehlt = .Range("Q" & intRow).Value
                    strIOP_IOD_fehlt = .Range("R" & intRow).Value
                    strPOD_missing = .Range("S" & intRow).Value
                    strIOD_IOP_missing = .Range("T" & intRow).Value
                    strMailSubject = Replace(strMailSubject, "<TourNr>", strTour_Nr)
                    strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<TourNr>", strTour_Nr)
                    strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<Unt_Name>", strUntName)
                    strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<Von_Ladedatum>", strVon_Ladedatum)
                    strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<Von_Ladezeit>", strVon_Ladezeit)
                    strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<Bis_Ladezeit>", strBis_Ladezeit)
                    strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<POD_fehlt>", strPOD_fehlt)
                    strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<IOP_IOD_fehlt>", strIOP_IOD_fehlt)
                    strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<POD_missing>", strPOD_missing)
                    strMailBody = Replace(strMailBody, "<IOP_IOD_missing>", strIOD_IOP_missing)
                    With objEmail
                        .To = CStr(strEmail)
                        .Subject = strMailSubject
                        .Body = strMailBody
                    End With
                    Set objEmail = Nothing ' clear object
                End If
            Next intRow
        End With
    End Sub